August 17, 2011

Missing Europe

Last summer, I was most fortunate enough to attend a two and a half week trip to London and Paris with two instructors from the Art Department and a (large) handful of us art kiddos. It was... awesome, amazing, beautiful, eye-opening, exhausting, wonderful, unforgettable... you get the idea.

I've been missing that trip lately. We returned June 31st of last summer, so about this time last year I was still high (metaphorically) from the trip.

Since I can't afford a $1500-something plane ticket, I will post some JMW Turner images instead. We got to see an entire gallery of his work. It was phenomenal. Even his "sketches" were better than anything I've ever painted.

(this is my desktop background)
Modern Rome: Campo Vaccino, 1839. JMW Turner

Ulysses deriding Polyphemus - Homer's Odyssey, 1829. JMW Turner

Regulus, 1828. JMW Turner

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